Zzang: Archive – Nancy Wilensky

Nancy Wilensky contributed 4 poems to the August 25, 2000 edition of Zzang; 2 poems to the September 26, 2000 edition; 2 poems to the November 28, 2000 edition, and 1 poem to the February 2001 edition.



tight ass
perky breasts
high hair
short dress
your made-up face
will never wrinkle
beauty will remain
as eternal as the sun.
but even the brightest
lights will fade-
the downfall
of your youth
is inevitable.




do not like me,
for i am death
to glance at me is blinding
to kiss me only infects you
with the disease of idiocy
to love me is to choose your fate
like the other who said they
your life will begin and i will
die again while fading into a
i will be forgotten.




the lies i let fall from my lips
decorate the ground on which i stand
laugh may help some
but my whole life is a joke.
i have never been 'just fine'
and not everything is okay
i’m tripping over my own words
and crashing onto the pavement.




the loss of her
is equal to
the death of myself.
mourn not for me
nor memories
just simply praise
all the pain
i wont cause



the emptiness i succeed in creating for myself
is merely ripping me to shreds
ive quit my crying though my gripes continue
i try to grow up yet still remain a child
every time i think i cant win
im reminded that things arent so terrible all the time

but what if just one time i wasnt reminded?



you dont see me
you forgot my name
in these eyes cant you see
a heart torn open by spears?
a dreamer lives
inside my mind
with fantasies of pure Love.
outside the walls
of my head
innocence fails the test.

my lovers bleed for my sins.



i know you dont love
me by the way you look
past my eyes
you see into my soul
and ignore the feelings there
whatever is left of me
is deteriorating rapidly.
im dying and you cant see



spoiled words i find

sprawled across the page

i never asked for the misery i give myself
but i indulge in my own offerings.
emotions mix and boil over,
spilling onto the page before me.
every time i take that magic pill
to erase everything ive done

it all comes back in a bigger mess then i left it.




a painful scream

as truth is told

tears tinted red

as she cries out her heart.

living life so cold

smiling as she lies

unable to face the consequences

happiness is found in death.






Nancy Wilensky

February 2001

·       a painful…


November 28, 2000

·       i know you…

·       spoiled words i…


September 26, 2000

·       the emptiness i…

·       you dont see…


August 25, 2000

·       tight ass…

·       do not like me…

·       the lies i let fall…

·       the loss of her…



Erika Salomon


Erica Rosser


Joe Decarolis


Katie B.


Saun Conlin


Neill Torna


Jessica Conlin


Johnny Butt Michiels




Melinda Werner


Erica B. DiUlio




S. Raible


Kristin Toscano


Poet at Heart


China Tenshi (Aimee Archambault)


Stephanie Scarborough




Charlie Pachingaz


Lurnsam Danag

All original material © 2001 ERIKA SALOMON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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