Zzang: Archive – Saun Conlin

Zzang: Archive – Saun Conlin

Saun Conlin contributed 1 poem to the August 25, 2000 issue of Zzang and 1 poem to the September 26, 2000 issue.

Saun was born March 20, 1983 in Burlington County Hospital. He has lived 15 years in his current residency of the Medford area. Three of his childhood years, he spent living in Kensington, PA. He went to elementary school in Saint Mary of the Lakes. (Most likely where his mixed and sarcastic ideals on faith sprang forth from.) Saun was a recluse in school as well as outside, and spent his childhood years amongst a select group of friends. He is a percussionist as well as a hopeless romantic. He now is in his junior year of Shawnee High School, and plans to attend college at BCC for two years (for his associates) and an additional four years at either Drexel or Rowan. He plans on joining the armed services. The major he plans on during college is physics, and he aspires to someday work for NASA.

Saun welcomes feed back about his poetry and can be contacted at: lilpetturtlesaun@hotmail.com.



The Ballad of Eric Draven and Shelley Webster

There is a tale to be told

Two lovers hold each other in the cold

From the darkness sparks a hate

Out of vengeance comes a fate

Love so strong it cant be broken

A simple memory of a kiss is but only a token

Out of fear and of fury

Our hero fights for his love in a hurry

To kill his captives, a goal is set

To free his love from the separation they met



Shadows Weeping

Following a stranger, I've known all my existence

Through and through, I share his perils

Carrying his erasable mark, grabbing and clinging

To his side

He disregards me, barely noticing my stretching attempts in the sun

I wish I could be him, the reason I'm with him


Following a part of me, I could never reach out and touch

Through and through, I grip to my bright side

The one I show to this world, holding on and riding

By his side

He thinks nothing of me, only lets the sun cast me away

I'm with him to hold him in the darkness, the reason I stay






Saun Conlin


September 26, 2000

·       Shadows Weeping


August 25, 2000

·       The Ballad of Eric Draven and Shelley Webster



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All original material © 2001 ERIKA SALOMON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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