Contest Rules


Below are the rules for the “Hook Erika Up” Contest.


·        Joint-entries are allowed, but teams may be no larger than two people.

·        Erika reserves the right to change the rules at any time.

·        All dates must take place before May 1, 2002.

·        Erika reserves the right to decline a potential date or cancel any planned date.

·        Dates must be male.

·        Contestants are allowed to “hook Erika up” with themselves.

·        Contestants are allowed multiple entries.  Each entry must be with a different date.

·        It is possible for Erika to be hooked-up with the same person more than once.  However, see the above rule for restrictions.

·        Dates must be aware that they are being entered into a competition and that the date will be reviewed and rated on a web site.

·        If Erika declares the contest over before May 1, prizes will not be awarded, and winners will not be announced.

·        In order for a date to be “set-up”, the planning of the date must be done by the contestant and/or date.

·        No sexual activity is to be expected.  (This is not the “Whore Erika Out” Contest.)

·        Dates must be in the age range 17-25.

·        A date can be anything from a night in watching movies to a night out at a nice restaurant in DC, but must occur someplace other than Erika’s dorm room or house.

·        Since I’ll be home over break (March 22-30), people can enter NJ dates without shipping them to MD.

·        Dates do not necessarily have to be paid for by the contestant or the date, but bear in mind that Erika is extremely low on cash.

