The “Hook Erika Up” Contest


With her return to single-dom, Erika brings the return of the “Hook Erika Up” Contest.  In brief, you can enter the contest by setting Erika up for a date.  For the best date of the contest, the winning contestant and the winning date receive special prize t-shirts.  The contest will end May 1 or when I get bored with it.


Recent Updates:

3.14.02 – Rated Dates.  Review of first date posted.


3.12.02 – Competition.  New date set up.

Sorry the review of Sunday’s date hasn’t been done, I didn’t feel too well tonight.


3.11.02 – Competition.  Stuff removed.  Don’t ask.

Competition.  Stuff added.

Disclaimer.  Added.  Please read.



Disclaimer – A note on the how and why of the contest.  Please read it.

Contest Rules – Read these before you enter.

Date Rate Scales – Here is the criterion I will be using to rate the dates.

Prizes – Check out the prize t-shirt designs here.  (Designs subject to change.  If you think you can design a better shirt, look here info on sending your design to me.)

Who is Erika? – A picture, short bio-type thing, and contact info to send to a potential date.  (Or provide your own, whatever.)

Competition – Quoted and paraphrased conversations to let you see who’s entering or planning on entering and what they’re doing.

Rated Dates – Read my reviews of the dates and find out how the dates are holding up on the scale to see what you’re up against.


Am I joking? I don’t know.  Who are you going to hook me up with? ;)